Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Thrift & Green Shopping Bazaar!

Allthatfash will be collaborating with Odds & Evens (wholly owned by my very good friend Rashida) to sell our brand new and pre-loved items! Since Shida and I are in the midst of clearing stuff, we jumped at it. Yes, it was an impromptu decision but we are excited! Details are as such:

Thrift & Green Shopping Bazaar
Organized by A Shopaholics Den

The Crest, 32 Square,
Section 14 PJ.
Saturday, 29th August 2009

12pm - 630pm

Among the items that we will be selling on that day for ridiculously cheap prices include:

1. Brand new goodies
2. Pre-loved items
3. Kids stuff
4. Men's clothing
5. Random Attire I Heart KL Tshirts!
6. Vintage shoes, bags, accesories and etc
7. And just about a lotta things! :)

Instead of being curious via virtual, why don't you head up to Booth #8? :)

Do come and show us some support and love! I'm hoping to see you there! Oh don't forget to bring your own shopping bags. It's all about eco-friendly now :)

For more info, check out A Shopaholics Den at

See you Saturdayy!

Loadsa ♥